C_J Anyone got any good BOILER ROOM streams lined up for the weekend? I was thinking about checking out [insert stream]
Homegrove Job Jobse on this Saturday at 9 CET. Should be a good warm up for Digweed. Jobse is two hours though, so they lap an hour.
jonattonyeah Dubman This was good. Always thought ole Erol got a bad rap from his “obsessed with his own obviousness” hipster roots. He’s a good DJ and I like his label output.
Unbroken1 Dan …last nights was brilliant, first half particularly, lost me a bit when it got a bit more banging near the end
Mad_Cyril mono-stereo Because that’s one of the multiple tags CJ added when he created the thread. Ye olde multi-tagging is a tad annoying for those of us who sail close to the spectrum!
Dan Unbroken1 its that music, mate. Always builds until it’s two dustbin lids being clattered together. Bit like Bedrock nights.
zackster Movement Detroit is doing the festival via the web next weekend. Not sure who will be participating but the original lineup was good. I hope Underworld somehow participate. Was really looking forward to seeing them.