Mad_Cyril Finns celebrate on Christmas Eve. As do a bunch of other countries as well.
Homegrove I see, interesting.
Its all a load of bollox anyway right? Christmas is essentially a re-branded Pagan winter solstice festival which was on the 25th December using historic calendars
Don’t tell the monotheistic christian religious nuts though!
Hursty Trufax. Before everyone got religioned up to the max, it would have been called Yule - the holiday after which Yul Brynner was famously named.
bosstrabs LOL
Who cares as long as there’s time off work involved
Hopefully all the sick jc fam are on the mend soon!
All the best, lads!
-si- Except Hugo, because he is a cunt.
Just smashed through 3 glasses of mulled wine and am now moving onto a double nawty pinor noit with me julie.
Dutch courage to have “the conversation”?
whatever the conversation
This is Daz. He mostly likes to watch. …mostly.
Unless there is an early finish, I imagine, and has to go in the other room to listen to GU07.
whatever r room to listen to GU07.
Lol! Daz unclasps his tool belt as every time I close my eyes hauntingly floats through the air.
Lol, I stand corrected by one decimal place.
Smallman1 GU07 is not a Global Underground catalogue number but you can have it as a reg.
A massive REG.
Whatever’s prog credentials in absolute TATTERS.
Smallman1 Whatever’s prog credentials in absolute TATTERS.
That’s still much better state than his Berghain credentials 👀
Smallman1 Invite en route to Prog School, hopefully.
Don’t worry, Berghain’s lawyers, Hugo & Partners issued a restraining order that prevents me from even mentioning the B word again.