I’ll never accuse you of stealing it from Sasha either hannu. 🙂
Talabot etc were finishing thier sets with it about 2 years before Sasha.
Oh dear ☹️ Not sure I’m having that though Sean. Sasha played it in 2016.
Textbook Sasha really. Picks up a track that was rinsed to absolute bits by the innervsions crew and then disguarded by them once it was released, only to be included in a sasha mix about 18 months afater that.
seanc80 Bit like Todd Terje’s Ragysh.
It was only released in 2016 though. I’m not trying to support the bald fat one here either. Sasha not hannu.
It was was being played for a full year before its release by certain dj’s to the pint of it being redundant upon its release.
Righto I just remember hearing it at the time. Not something I’d play 👨❤️💋👨🌈🍸
It was amazing at the time in my opinion. Heard Barnt finish his set with it at Digital Amsterdam about two months before its release and there wasnt a dry eye in the tent.
Yeah, that track is older than Derms.
This digital in Amsterdam you speak of ..is it a.. you know.. homosexuals establishment?
Cankles-McJeggings No way. Get real.
Here is some footage of me at the portaloos.
😆😆 That’s how I like to think of you.
The mix is almost nothing but old tracks, and you argue about the last one? 😂
I have just pressed play ▶️
Love the last track H, everyone was finishing their sets with it 6-8 years ago though.
I’m aware! I guess it’s not safe enough to play it yet. Finally came out in 2001, and it’s only now sounding good again. It was so overplayed that summer.
Hated Ragyesh with a passion, never could see the appeal
Nowhere near as bad as inspector Norse either. Todd Durge.
Cankles-McJeggings also complete muck
Cankles-McJeggings preferred Morse