I see you are all milking eachothers’ prostates in here.
I remember seeing something online a few years ago about these noodles, the insta-pack ones, it showed them in the gut, undigested for weeks. I haven’t touched them since tbh.
52% potato starch!
Hursty Sean’s body composition?
52% Legend 48% liar
Are lentil chips bad for because I am all over them like a rash at the moment?
I just had a huge bowl of lentil soup as it happens, now I’m going to polish off a bottle of apple & cinnamon kefir.
Thanks for your time, guys.
LT42 Lol, times are tough out in Turkey with the rising inflation and economic downturn?
I’ll have my dinner later, Hursty. Tayiip wont take that from me. 👊
LT42 I bet the traditional bbq’d meat dishes are to die for out there
Hursty Extremely high quality. Simply put, everything is top notch.
LT42 is everything open or is there restrictions?
Decent cooked breakfast?
Heno is everything open or is there restrictions?
I know what you’re getting at Heno.
Probably not quite like Cambodia.
Heno Up until this week everything was open as normal. 4 day lockdown now, which basically means everything shuts at 5pm, everywhere still delivers. All schools are back online too, it’ll prob stay that way until the end of the school year in June.
My lentil alarm has gone off. Must resist urge……
bosstrabs we all know what I am getting at!