Dubman Along_the_Wire Treated myself to a proper site radio. It cost small fortune compared to the super cheap ones I usually buy. Sound quality is next level.
-si- Used to be a serious operator on the drill floor. Years of elite training in the boys briagde meant I could left incline like some cunt in the special forces. One minute we are talking about football, the next I have completed a slow march, right incline, about turn and you are dead.
Hursty -si- what is this boys brigade you speak of Si? We have Cubs and scouts over here but yours sounds a little more sinister
bosstrabs Hursty what is this boys brigade you speak of Si? We have Cubs and scouts over here but yours sounds a little more sinister We had Boys Brigade where I grew up (Warrington). It’s like a protestant church version of scouts. Basically scouts with bible study thrown in.
LT42 bosstrabs great craic though, the priest always offered you a shot of Jameson later on back at his, always very kind I thought
bosstrabs *I just looked at it on wiki and I am wrong. Officially it’s ‘Christian, non-demoninational’.
Hursty Sounds brutal, I remember chinning off Sunday school very rapidly when I realised it meant less time out on my bike
bosstrabs Hursty I got kicked out of scouts aged 12 (for taking time out of an orienteering course so our team could vandalise some gardens, mostly stealing and breaking gnomes), so I was not an ideal candidate for Boys Brigade with its even more rigid discipline.
-si- It was a junior orange order/loyalist paramilitary faction, under the guise of the christian church. By the time i was 11, i could petrol bomb a republican family’s home, while singing onward christian soliders and simultaneously marking time then completing an about turn, all in step, before fleeing.
-si- Put it like this, hursty, do you think i would be the hardest cunt on this forum, by quite some distance too, if it wasn’t for drill, BB uniform, praising jesus and stripping then reassembling AK47s before the age of 10?