Along_the_Wire So you can attain drift of up to 4% on the RX2 without being aware of it - the XZ nails that.
Dubman Anyone else think @Mad_Cyrill is playing us all along and he is infact the mixmaster himself Seb Mundane.
Mad_Cyril Matt I did mate. Find it functionally more helpful, if a little less intuitive visually. Been held up with getting hands on too much after the boss put her foot down at home setup number 1. Setup number 2 should arrive next week though 👍
Along_the_Wire Is someone able to tell me in really simple terms what the master tempo and the tempo reset button does on the CDJ? I’ve tried searching and it’s actually difficult to find something straightforwards. Cheers.
Amps Along_the_Wire Sets that CDJ as the master tempo for the rest of the linked CDJs, they all then sync to that one when using the sync button?
Along_the_Wire Amps Cheers Amps. Nah, the videos I saw, they were using the master tempo button and it was changing the bpm but not the pitch - it’s just not very clear to someone that’s taken the stabilisers off, but going downhill without brakes.
Amps Along_the_Wire Not played with the pitch capabilities of Pioneer CDJs, so wouldn’t know, but I’m fairly certain thats how the master tempo button works, let me know if it’s otherwise though. Don’t have them in front of me now so can’t have a look.
-si- The gaping void left by the lack of scratching, spin backs and general wickety-wickety-waah sounds on basically every single mix forced together by our board brethren, render them all completely unlistenable…
Along_the_Wire Amps So there’s a master button and sync button next to each other, which I’ve not been using, so I’m confused as to the difference between that master button and the tempo master button. What a fucking nightmare.
Along_the_Wire Amps Cheer mate. So why wouldn’t you have master tempo on all the time to keep things nicely in key?
Amps ‘master tempo’ is a terrible description of what that button does. Would it not be called ‘key lock’ or something of that ilk?