Is there any chance we (you) could replace the Thumbs Up/Thumbs down icons with either:

a) “High T”/“Low T” labels, or
b) a tiny Frank Thomas icon/a tiny Mad Cyril icon?

I assume is this an overly complicated ask, but still wanted to put it out there for discussion.

    Other options could be

    Or a variety of unintelligible meems that nobody can be arsed reading?

      Surely a joe or a don would be your go to, zacko?

      Too confusing and biased towards the USA. Needs to have a general western feel so we can all enjoy.

      Based/Cucked would be very good.

      Any time mate.

      Always great
      to collaborate
      with our bro’s from across the pond

      4 months later

      Been getting a lot of error messages when posting replies recently. Red banner saying something like “something wrong has happened, please refresh page and try again”, only for it to post the message (checked when logged out), but I’ve noticed it hasn’t then taken the thread to the top of the page as normal.

      Not sure if this is a glitch or if the perma’ bad request has finally caught up with me 😆

      Edit: except this one seemed to work properly. REG


        Same thing here. Get the error message which indicates the post hasn’t uploaded but is actually there when I go back into it from the board index and have actually posted it twice after retrying it.

        Edit: Also, when I reply to someone, it says “Unknown” as the person I am replying to.

        It’s a special feature we have enabled for all Utd fans to prepare you for the season ahead

        ScottBailey “something wrong has happened, please refresh page and try again”

        I normally get this if I’m opening up a tab I haven’t opened in a while. Refreshing fixes the problem (as the error message says).

        I’ve just rebooted the server, seems ok for me. @ScottBailey can you try now? as @BlainSA says, you might need to start a new browser session.

        The message board is really wonky today.

        • I’m not getting emails about posts
        • The main board shows my post as the latest post from the Religion thread (when you click in it, Whatever posted after me)
        • When he replied to me it says ‘unknown’ at the top of his post

        This is all i’ve spotted so far, hope it helps.

        [unknown] I’ve rebooted the server now, hopefully that should fix it.

        [unknown] I’ve rebooted the server now, hopefully that should fix it.