ArchimedesQ We aired another world premiere set from Babicz last night - All 100% unreleased new material - The man is a machine
Mad_Cyril ArchimedesQ Fucking mental isn’t he. Reckon he’s got some prog algorithms that just pump them out?
SM001 Mad_Cyril The track @ 45mins is one the few mystery ID’s on Digweeds early Bunkers. I think it’s called ‘Black Rose’.
ScottBailey SM001 I think it’s called You know it is, otherwise how would you just come up with a random title name?! Just playing hard to get 😆 Reckon you’ve got more sources than Heinz 😉
SM001 ScottBailey I honestly couldn’t remember! 😅 It’s on his Soundcloud. That’s how I found it. Just not arsed going to his page to check. That ok with you, Scottholomew? 😌
SM001 ScottBailey Lol! 😅 He comes out with a few good tunes but his output is ridiculous. A lot of tracks sound unfinished.
ScottBailey SM001 i’m just grateful he hasn’t started asking Terry from down the pub to sing over his next ‘hit’ like Baumel has been 😅