Old-Dutch Got your November mix on the go at the moment Damo - class! Wifey very much enjoying it - and the mix WAHEY!
Unbroken1 Old-Dutch …thanks pal, nice to hear! elrobertos …appreciated Rob! if you mean the track coming in, that’s: HOKI “Growing Young” (David Orin Extended Remix) [The Young Proprietor]
Mad_Cyril Wally Are you boozing it up after the Manchester half Wal? Can sort you out with some spice or base speed at a good price
elrobertos Loved this mix. So much new music (to me at least). Some real groovers and a great flow. How you do this every month is beyond me, but do please carry on. What’s the wicked bassline at 55 ish?
Along_the_Wire Great stuff Damo - absolutely love that Deckert - A Way Home track. Perfect mix for my 4 hour trip to Nottingham on the train
Unbroken1 Along_the_Wire …yes, great track! secret weapon, buried away on a Stil Vor Talent comp Thanks G, safe travels…
Wally I cracked and give this a spin sans half marathon - class Damo - best one you’ve done this year I reckon. 🙂
Unbroken1 Wally …cheers fella, yeah quite pleased with this one! Smallman1 …appreciated Ed, hope you’ve left me a like on Soundcloud!? 😉