Lapsed catholic here. Father McCallum (who baptised me and a few of my mates at school) turned out to be a nonse. Me and my mates used to laugth and joke about FAZ MCCAZ BUMMING PEOPLE.
Looking back this was probably a tad harsh on any of those who had actually been fiddled with, although he was behind bars at that point, i think his victims where a few year groups older then us.
Anyway as an adult I once did some work for a theological college in Oxford. I got chatting to the master of the colleage, a Jesuit Priest who taught theology. He came across as a softly spoken creep.
He wrote a paper on pedophilia in the catholic church which i read. The crux of his argument seemed to be (get this) that statisitcally a child is more likely to be abused by a family member then by a Catholic Priest, so lay off the church a bit guyz kinda thing.
An astonishingly poor argument, given he was teaching theology at Masters level in Oxford, i thought.