where do you go for your daily / weekly grocery shop and do you like it?

I’ve got a big Aldi round the corner so I usually go there. It’s good during the day, all the shelves are fully stocked but later on (it’s open til 10pm) there’s fuck all apart from staff chucking out mountains of expired goods. Another big negative for me is the ungodly prevalence of “milk lakes”.

What about you?


Who’s your go to groceries retailer

Independent / other

I drive round Manchester, and surrounding areas, all day buying exclusive & unique artisan products.

In the UK I use Aldi, Morrisons or Tesco, basically just due to proximity. They are all about equal distance and have their own selling points. Morrisons: cheap petrol. Tesco: rotisserie chicken 🤤 Aldi: good copy brands, especially ice cream and that knock-off Stella type brand they sell.

I have no loyalty to any one supermarket, although I would say Sainsbury’s and Waitrose are the best quality.

Here, I get everything delivered.

Mainly Tesco, sometimes Aldi. Problem with Aldi is if you have a list of things to get there is a good chance some of it won’t be there, so have to go elsewhere afterwards. Whereas Tescos has everything.

I buy all meat from Swaledale or Coombe Farm, both great online butchers. And fish from a stall in the high street. I used to get fruit and veg from a proper greengrocers, but got lazy and get it all from Tescos

Exciting thread this one 😁

  • C_J replied to this.

    RichM thanks Rich yeah I thought this place could do with a little livening up 🤭

    interesting you also mention Aldi not replenishing the shelves, fucking annoying int it? Are you mainly finding this later in the day? Go in first thing and it’s usually fine at my place.

    Another thing that really grinds my gears about Aldi is the fact they have near-identical products MIXED TOGETHER on the same retail space / same box because they CANT BE BLOODY ARSED to sort and separate the products and display them properly so you have to stand there RAKING through all the items to find the one you want like some sort of idiot.

      Lidl came to Cyprus a few years ago and has proved popular. Food from everywhere else is super expensive and it aint that cheap in Lidl just cheaper. But their quality is spot on.

      Weirdly in Cyprus you can never get anything from one shop so you always have to go to another big one (Alpha Mega is like Waitrose) and there are plenty of independent ones many of whom may be better value again and we haven’t found out about.

      Saino’s due to the convenience.

      I absolutely hate it though.

      Lidl is next to my work, and another one near home. So Lidl.

      • Dan replied to this.

        C_J it’s more to do with the variety of stuff in Aldi compared to Tescos. But then that’s mainly due to my local Tescos being much bigger than Aldi

        I go full on’Jack and the Beanstalk’ in Aldi. Go in for a pint of milk, walk out with a 100 piece socket set and a cow on a string.

        The staff at Saino’s Tooting are lovely though, always compliment me as I pop in after a run.

        Suspect they all fancy me, even the security guards.

        Dan That’s a Lidl bit of luck

        “We can make it tru de night” ?

        A Lidl bit of Edward in my life
        A Lidl bit of Sean by my side
        A Lidl bit of Rhouses is all I need
        A Lidl bit of H is what I see
        A Lidl bit of Scott in the sun
        A Lidl bit of Dave all night long
        A Lidl bit of Dermo, here I am
        A Lidl bit of you makes me your man

        Ed to the left of me, Bosstrabs to the right. Here I am, stuck in a Lidl with you.