alistair Do you vote Tory?
Along_the_Wire I’m sure he can answer for himself.
alistair I’m sure he can answer for himself.
I’m not so sure - Grant is always hovering around to step in when either Ed is stumped or about to say the wrong thing.
You’ll know potholes are the result of government spending. Current governement spending.
The pot holes where Mama Smalls lives (Hampton Court) are terrible.
Smallman1 The pot holes where Mama Smalls lives (Hampton Court) are terrible.
Ed thinks pot holes are the leaky bits of roof you have to leave a pot under.
hugopal I’m simply being snidey, Hugo. You’ll be well used to that from a young age, I’m sure.
Hugo doing the bants!
Along_the_Wire I’m simply being snidey, Hugo.
No you’re not; you’re basically Ed’s carer.
Pretty sure it’s the other way round given that Grant is 72.
Dan yeah but Ed is handicapped.
hugopal it’s called being a Chelsea fan
Smallman1 ruined many T-shirts and jumpers in my yoof due to pot holes
BBC News had someone from the Asphalt Industry Association commenting on the state of roads and potholes. Surely, the BBC could’ve found some on the side of the consumer?
Along_the_Wire BBC News had someone from the Asphalt Industry Association commenting on the state of roads and potholes.
Did they give a concrete perspective?
Take my wife!
Along_the_Wire Was he Irish?
They do need looking in to.
ehitach2 as a cyclist, I agree, but you don’t bring in the Asphalt Indusrty Association to put the record straight, do you?!
The council have just tarmaced our road so no complaints here
Along_the_Wire as a cyclist, I agree, but you don’t bring in the Asphalt Indusrty Association to put the record straight, do you?!
I think that’s a “whooosh” for you Granto.
hugopal Fuck off and play in the roads Hugo, you bullied little cunt.