The age old question. Shit threads, shit bantz, shit clobber, shit trabs. End it now. Put him out of his misery. It’s kinder that way.

How would you like to see Edwand taken out?

Claw hammer ?? (Quick, brutal)
Cheese ?? (Slow, agonising)
Drone strike on Tooting
Roof collapses whilst in bed killing him instantly
Surprise baseball bat to the rear of the head

    Based on his current action at the coalface with all his bantz and action with the treacle’s he really shouldn’t be posting on a jaded clubbers forum in the first place. I say he should come back in 10 years minimum

    Has to be a 4 cheese pizza.

    To be honest I don’t want really want to kill him specifically. I’d be happy enough badly injuring him.

      Heno Can you have 2 choices?

      Not something I’d considered but on reflection if they are mutually complimentary I’d say yes. For example feeding him cheese then hitting him with a hammer after 10 minutes or so would be fine.

      Millsy Ed in a wheelchair would be excruciating. Milking it for all he’s got and referring to it as his ‘suaving chariot’ or something equally horrific. Death it is!

      Same with AIDS, millsy. Imagine having to live it with him for the last few years on here? Would almost definitely have to go round with the hammer to expedite the end.

        I’d like to replicate Pulp Fiction by shooting him in the balls, stealing his BMX, then going back to an Asian brass who asked “Whose chopper is this?” “Ed’s?” “Who’s Ed?” …

        Millsy Ed in a wheelchair would be excruciating. Milking it for all he’s got and referring to it as his ‘suaving chariot’ or something equally horrific

        That genuinely sounds like more of a ‘winning’ scenario for Ed than many of the ones he has actually described himself.

        • Heno replied to this.

          Can we force him to listen to all those shit garage tunes posted in his “winning” garage thread until his ears bleed?