bosstrabs Post your favourites in here. Hugo on… Personal branding: I thought it made sense to stay consistent with my recognisable avatar over the years across all the GU/4four/Bedrock etc. boards.
seanc80 bosstrabs i thinik what Hugo was worried about here is the fact that he may have been mistaken for somebody interesting.
bosstrabs Hugo on… academic credentials: It is truly beyond my comprehension how a person can repeatedly say something so pathetic; even on the absolutely minute chance that it’s said in a slightly ironic way.
LT42 My current fave is “as an aside” followed by an extra 4 paragraphs when posting about some pointless shite. FYI, Hugo - most people already have the hose from the exhaust in the window at that point.
hugopal LT42 FYI, Hugo - most people already have the hose from the exhaust in the window at that point. If one of those people is you then I’d consider it a job well done!
Along_the_Wire My personal favourite is Hugo comparing me to Hitler gassing Jews because I didn’t give a fuck if anti-vaxxers die.
-si- Along_the_Wire It’s like he only joined the board yesterday and knows nothing about any of us, i mean the entire JC fam know himmler’s always been your boy, not adolf!
zackster Nothing but fax from my guy Digweed is much worse and less relevant than he was in the late 90s.
vinnyt77 -si- Grant works in advertising, ergo - I’ve always thought he had more of the Goebbels about him…