• Music
  • Recommend me a mixed compilation...

Not one Graeme Park CD Dave.

You are an absolute shambles **

**For the record, this is also a ‘joke’

I don’t know why I briefly hated Graeme Park for a short period.

I’m completely over it now.

Think it was a weird lockdown side effect I had.

Did he do a live broadcast during lockdown that I watched and absolutely hated? I think that was it.


Some great recommendations there. Had no idea about the Lottie one. Cheers Dave.

MoS Sessions Vol 7 - David Morales

Fantasia The House Collection Vol 1 - Graeme Park mix

Ashley Casselle - Deviations

Agoria - At The Controls

Jerry Bonham - Interpretations Vol 2


    MoS Sessions Vol 7 - David Morales

    All time favourite for me.

    The Morillo, Choo Choo Romero and Jose Nunez one (Sessions 10?) is an absolute belter too, if you can cope with listening to Morillo of course.