rhouses Mad_Cyril Was watching part 2 of the savile doc on netflix, and somehow I kept thinking how do I get that bucktoothed animal, Zackster.
rhouses Mad_Cyril It’s a trial by association I’m afraid, a single mention of a nonce, and the letters ‘zackster’ show up in my head. The same happens with cheese whizz and music that makes the ears bleed.
Mad_Cyril rhouses It’s a trial by association I’m afraid, a single mention of a nonce, and the letters ‘zackster’ show up in my head. Don’t forget Dermo and Alistair are pulling the same stunt in the Schofield thread!!
Smallman1 zackster You guys should head over to the Q Anon forum Dermo alistair and I post on. It’s a vibe! Lol!