Can everyone just shut the fuck up about Heat for five minutes?
I preferred it when everyone was going on about the turgid ‘Marvel Universe’, I think.
Would love to hear Pacino say ‘He had greeeeeeeeeat bants’ about me.
Smallman1 “And you got your neck, all the way up it!!!”
Millsy LOL
Could be that whole soccer am outfit Tbf. The trabs, the laces, the half masts, the Primark coat, the piano keyboard teeth.
zackster Did he not get beat up outside the bar he worked in shortly before he vanished? Hope the fella is OK.
mono-stereo he did. He also said he thought the guy would try to kill him. I gen think something happened to him.
zackster fuck. I did try to email him but never got a reply.
Just Google his name. ‘Man beaten to death with giant dildo outside bar’.
mono-stereo yep same. Not good at all.
He just spat his dummy.