A Trans finished him off!? That’s some way to go.

    Mad_Cyril That’s a shame. Met him along with the rest of Cloughies’ legendary Forest team when I was seven when they were having dinner at the Holiday Inn (when they were posh). They all signed the inside front cover of my Shoot annual. KLANG!

      alistair Met him along with the rest of Cloughies’ legendary Forest team when I was seven when they were having dinner at the Holiday Inn (when they were posh).

      Proper sign of the times.

      Utd used to go to my local golf club for pre-match steaks around the same era!

      Just found out that the song ‘Nothing Compares 2 U’ was actually written by Prince!

        This is a belter of a remix. The original just as good. RIP

        This is one of the best performances that I have ever seen. I must have watched this 100s of times over the years

          My god. What a loss.

          Troy is an absolute belter.

          So she topped herself then it seems. Very sad.
          Did someone play her this for the first time??


            It’s not even in key. Something he is pretty much famed for. Worse thing he ever played. That and gypsy woman. Both absolute bilge.