Lol, fuck sake, i am genuinely sorry i missed some of this shit!
It was absolutely sensational Si!
lol possibly. I don’t remember specifics bc the mods were rapidly deleting MG’s posts and I only caught a few of them. Once it all calmed down, I asked wtf just happened and someone said MG was posting phone numbers.
zackster Shit got even weirder when a “PaulFletcher07235”, or something like that, started defending me in the same comments section. 99.99% sure it was Doggy.
Pretty certain Paul Fletcher is BF
Along_the_Wire lol yes IRL, but that SC one clearly wasn’t. As fond of me as BF is, I don’t think he made a soundcloud account just to defend me against MateGreen saying “your mix is bad zack. no one wants listen to this. sorry.”
LT42 Called him a plank then let him run the Australian arm of the Bedrock empire iirc.
Millsy lol! Demo said he ran Bedrock Australia, then Digweed logged in and said “Tasmania more like”.
zackster lol! Demo said he ran Bedrock Australia, then Digweed logged in and said “Tasmania more like”.
Brutal. Lol.
No way Mategreen was religious, he was defo taking the piss.
LT42 Nah, he was all-in
Along_the_Wire He was around since the inception of the bedrock board iirc and never mentioned anything even close to the mad shit he spouted. Didn’t he ask someone to repent because they thought EDM was killing the underground? Think he was just gowling about, mate.
Did digweed actually log onto the board to call dermo a plank?
Yep, Dermo had said something ridiculous about the recording of one of the Transitions shows and Diggers came on said “don’t be so stupid you absolute plank.”
Was class.
Smallman1 Didn’t Dermo say something stupid like Diggers never plays Oz anymore and he wouldn’t go if he did, then John logged in and asked him if he was going to see him the following month? Lol
Apart from single-handedly masterminding the closure of the Bedrock board, almost causing an international incident between Kazakhstan, Great Britain and Australia and having multiple personality disorder, Derms is a stand up guy imo.
Fucking hell lol.Derm getting a right old kicking here.
strummer naw these are fond memories. Outside of running Loopy off, who is a totally genuine guy, Dermo was a great board member.
the plank comment was a highlight lol. all of this is entertaining, i just feel like it’s for 12 year olds.
All perfectly normal/acceptable for a bunch of men in their 40s and 50s 303.
Smallman1 Im 35!
Smallman1 haha apparently.
Lol. What else have we got to do?
Laughs a plenty!
I thought you were older than me when we ledged it in NYC.
Smallman1 I thought you were older than me when we ledged it in NYC
Probably because I stayed until the dawn, like a seasoned clubber would.