Funky85 Morty-C-137 The irony is many said if trump was president there would be ww3. Biden’s term literally could not get worse, he is a war criminal.
Along_the_Wire Funky85 Flares, you’re a fucking message board criminal, you cunt. As if Funky would ever use the word irony. How thick does this cunt think we are? Flares that is, not DF. Can we see some action from the ban wand merchants?
zackster The State Department just confirmed that the Biden administration will invoke America’s veto power to block the elevation of the State of Palestine to full member status in the United Nations later today at the UNSC vote. Nice one Joe.
zackster rhouses the Joint Chiefs put war with Iran on a platter for Don and he turned it down. He is a dove compared to Joe.
rhouses zackster I still maintain trump probably has the least foreign blood on his hands compared to any (modern) US president.
zackster When did Piers Morgan turn into 97-99 era Howard Stern? This is seriously the funniest thing I have seen in a long long time. Bravo!
zackster Alright credit where credit is due because this is fucking funny. The cops were like “call up the alphas a sigma chi, we aren’t fucking around!” Serious 1986 national lampoons vibes.
zackster Joe giving an award to an IDF spokes person as like 100 Palestinian journalists have been killed.