vinnyt77 Arizona’s in play, right? How come the state legislature has just passed one of the most egregious abortion laws?
It absolutely should be. Don flat told them not to do it and their federal reps lightly said the same. The state dynamic there appears to be a mess. It’s yet another instance of abortion being the dog that caught the car issue for repubs.
My first thought it the polling is shit. Bloomberg is highly creditable but who knows about the sample size, ex ex. It’s also possible that young people hate Joe so deeply that they don’t care about reproductive rights nearly as much as their parents do. The response to the campus protests has been yet another stark reminder that the only thing that separates the two parties is abortion. Thats it. Maybe abortion isn’t the draw Dems are counting on it being.
My personal belief is that abortion is still enough of a draw to get the loyalists out. Combine that with Don’s completely nonexistent campaign and I think Joe wins.