LT42 all forgotten once Hulk hit the stage.
Millsy confirmed cult, right?
LT42 you spelt cunt wrong Vin
My cuntishness is indeed CONFIRMED
Obama, Pelosi, Schumer all want him out, not to mention big donors, but there really is nothing to see right.
alistair Obama is the big one there. Surely he’ll step aside? The COVID thing gives him his final out, but his brain is Ready Brek at this point so who the fuck knows. What an absolute clown car.
Millsy you can see by the way he walks that he is very frail. Sad to see when you have an elderly dad with similar mannerisms.
If you want to frame your whole world view around 10 second twitter and tik tok videos, I wouldn’t be gloating about it.
LT42 are we still talking about Hulk Hogan?
Hes an old man, who does old man stuff, I hope the place goes on fire, Pompeii status - the battering of one while the “strong fearless rapist” gets nothing in the way of balance thrown his way is a far bigger question. Is it some kind of unresearched cognitive dissonance? Very strange behaviour.
Trump is Putin’s lapdog, hes a confirmed by the courts rapist and a convicted felon, who runs an unprecedented cult with dangerous followers and is about to hand Putin the keys to Hannu’s sitting room studio.
“Yeah but Biden said battle instead of ballot”.
Get a fucking grip lads.
LT42 insight
Millsy Yes! Keep the INSIGHT alive!
It’s like I’m hearing this all for the first time when you mansplain to me, LT. The scales have fallen from my eyes. Trump simply must be stopped.
Millsy wait, wait, did you hear what Biden said yesterday, Millsy? It was OUTRAGEOUS.
Where is Zackster? I can’t be the only cunt trying to balance out this place. You’ve all gone soft. Mansplaining lol, how about MANSPREADING, Millsy?
Has Biden’s full blown AIDS been PEER REVIEWED yet?
LT42 you are so alpha sometimes LT.
If the democrats have any basic sense, Biden will be out and Newsom will be the nominee. If they’re dumb enough to run Harris, I don’t even know what to say.
303abuser Harris wouldn’t go quietly. Could get very messy
I hope they run Harris so Alistair can then spend his time critiquing her slacks and blouses