• Music
  • What are you listening to at the moment?..

I`ve posted this before, i think on the other forum.Popped up on a feed of mine today,so i will post again.Damo will be all over this. Absolute tune.

    strummer God…That sounds so similar to something early 2000’s I’ve heard by Steve Porter or someone- really bugging me now. @SM001 What is it reminding me of?

      Wasily Oh that came in 2008 so it’s probably reminding me of itself…🤯 FFS Alex

      Wasily I know the track you’re on about but can’t place it. I have/had it and remember playing it out. This is going wreck my head until I remember it now. Cheers! 😅

        SM001 Yeah, the one in my head is circa 2004, was played in sets with things like Chris Salt- Dub Sonar (Luke Chable Remix), Mathew Dekay, Benz & MD, Gill Norris/Gwill Morris sort of stuff.

          That’s the one! Great work