This was 3 / 4 years ago, the moment has passed sadly!
But thank you, helpful info!
Smallman1 should go on the tv show diy sos, would be some viewing!
Smallman1 Small claims court?
Pun absolutely intended.
Heno isn’t DIY SOS for people with needs?
I’d end up stealing the show!
erik yes special needs!
I’m perfect then!
Oi oi!
Smallman1 😂
Heno yes special needs!
We got that Heno!
So the guy just came on for a day or so to have a moan, and then buggered off again tout de suite ? So lame.
hugopal He’s making a YouTube vid about Futureshock’s seminal hit ‘Sparc’.
A downvote from @NasserAlazzawi - just admit it, you’re working as the guy’s publicist or something.
Dan He’s making a YouTube vid about Futureshock’s seminal hit ‘Sparc’.
The thought of the kind of face he’ll probably make during the build-up out of the breakdown makes me want to vomit.
He would have lucked out if he got landed with me for that. I’m sure you can figure out why the down vote.
NasserAlazzawi I can’t figure it out, it’s definitely lame.
NasserAlazzawi The thought ‘how would you spin “publicist for DJ’s Instagram Account manager” in a LinkedIn stylee’? made me chuckle.
Glad I shared that!!
Can’t believe I missed this. I would like to add that I always got a buzz off this lad and fair play to him. His vid listening to Set in Stone (The no.1 Bedrock track of all time) was great, I got goosebumps through his goosebumps.