Smallman1 I might be a bit later actually, not actually sure what work I am doing on Thursday.
Smallman1 The best bants in London is aiming to be there for 6.
unless my district line is fooked…
Hoping to make it along, work dependent
Millsy Hoping to make it along, work dependent
Millsy Sean’s gonna have a fit
Mmmmm ‘pints’
Smallman1 I notice you correctly didn’t say ‘in England’, being fully aware your Bants gets you glassed in Manc.
Loved in London, despised outside.
That’s OLB that is!
Smallman1 Loved in London
reckon you’d be the toast of the town in Newham…
They’d love me!
Has somebody reserved a table or a lounge area?
benson Don’t think you can, but there are a lot of seats outside now
benson I will get you a special chair 👍
I’m expecting to rock up and Ed has the entire bar area enthralled in his tales from the coalface, treacles literally dripping over the floor etc.
Millsy some lackey throwing buckets of water over him to illustrate were he was thrown in local water courses, oversized boxing glove for when he’s been lamped.
Millsy I’m expecting to rock up and Ed has the entire bar area enthralled in his tales from the coalface, treacles literally dripping over the floor etc.
You rang?!
Drinking pints for 1.5 hrs.
Hate to see the thread if ye were planning a weekend away.
seanc80 will try and source a spice bag and a brass by hour five, Sean.
None of you will even contemplate past the 90 minute mark. We both know this Millsy.
seanc80 early conference call in the morning mate. Peterson account won’t win itself. Continually moving picture.
I’m off the next day. Expecting big things.