NasserAlazzawi …got plenty of stuff that’s aged very badly (I’m certainly not like Mr C who never bought an embarrassing record in his life… apparently), but not much of it would fit into the Cream/'Crasher trance bracket- altho there was def some crossover with the prog-trance sound of the time (one or two bits above, Moguai mix of Seven Days, some of the Hooj stuff).
I’ve always maintained that this was the end of ‘prog’ that I liked the least though (has certainly aged the least well). A lot of the more commercial trance completely passed me by. Quite a lot in this thread was what the likes of Jules/Dave Pearce was playing on R1, and Graham Gold on Kiss, and I’m honestly not sure was played in London that much, maybe with the exception of Peach and The Gallery (which also had some ‘proper’ prog DJ’s on).
Amps …I dunno, as proven by this thread, ecstasy is a very powerful drug.
Millsy …absolutely not.