Homegrove that Lou Paskalis guy’s second tweet states:
“Advertisters […] are being compelled by established principles about the types of companies they can do business with. These principles include an assessment of the platforms commitment to brand suitability”.
Lou Paskalis works for a marketing trade association which furthers the advertising interests of such paragons of ethics as: Mondelez, HSBC, General Motors, Ford, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Nestle and Shell (amongst others) - because laundering criminals’ money, wrecking the planet etc. are all fine for “brand suitability” and activities of “the types of companies they can do business with” but they might draw the line at Musk’s twitter.
(As an aside, the companies who are currently in the public domain as actually suspending advertising on twitter include: General Motors, Ford, Mondelez, Carlsberg and General Mills. GM and Ford - it’s not a surprise they might not wish to advertise on the Tesla owners’ platform. As for Mondelez? If you’re on their side you have to ask yourself if it’s not you who’s the “tool”…).