Jaded Clubbers/Mixpub - YouTube Mixes
NasserAlazzawi not surprising when the “creators” are ignoring the tools at their disposal.
C_J …its a significantly bigger production to film people playing a live set though, its not necessarily about ignoring the options at hand, but more about finding a format that can accommodate multiple DJ’s playing in different places and presumably recording their mixes at different times.
Mixpub is an online radio show right? It’s not like Boiler Room where the entire premise is filmed sets, YouTube is just being used as a platform to archive previous shows/guests
Not to say they have no plans to do this in the future!?
ArchimedesQ did I send you my mix of did I do it live?
erik I’ve got it, it’s being processed and will be up soon
- Edited
Unbroken1 fair points. I don’t really know if it’s something that matters to people generally but - assuming I’m not in a small minority - I’m guessing it would make the content much more appealing to a wider audience.
If you just have the audio you can have it open on a tab while you work from home or whatever. That’s great and I’m not knocking it. But if you have the video too, it opens up a whole other level of experience and unlocks a different level of connection with the artist. You can have it on your TV and have mates over for a few drinks etc. that’s something I do quite often.
I have no idea how much additional hassle it involves to add the video. I was assuming zero additional hassle but I appreciate I could be mistaken.
I reckon if you had the video you could 2x or 3x your subscribers and views.
C_J But if you have the video too, it opens up a whole other level of experience and unlocks a different level of connection with the artist. You can have it on your TV and have mates over for a few drinks etc. that’s something I do quite often.
Happy to serve your gatherings if any of mine made the cut
NasserAlazzawi yeah you did at least a couple of times I can think of mate.
Can you imagine a Damien Unbroken one though. I guess part of the issue is that many DJ’s want something a bit more curated and “stage managed” rather than a one take job.
Just in case that sounds like I’m having a pop at anyone - I’m really not intending it that way. The fact that you guys take the time to share such good music is the thing that brought me here 25 years ago and has kept me here all this time, so I am definitely not trying to criticise anyone or suggest that I know best, or anything like that. I’m just airing some thoughts.
You cunts
Mad_Cyril More like you’re desperate to wank off over middle aged bald blokes playing tunes
More than happy to serve
Always grifting!
Have listened to MC’s and Daniel James’ so far.
Both excellent!
Is SD’s mix up?
Absolutely on the floor that my voiceovers have been binned.
Am having a pint of Nugenix to get over it.