Dave desperately trying to breathe life into this absolute turkey of a thread.

The board needs a ‘Chronicler of Bad Bants’.

Those who don’t learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

  • Dan replied to this.

    bosstrabs Like Ed posting that Nugenix® picture every two minutes.

      Dan It’s been a fiscal year of garbage bants. But on balance, would second smooth brain’s repeated use of the “N” word as a low.

      bosstrabs three years after all the Darren jokes have been done to death!

      Ed may have been buggered senseless, but alas he’s still alive.

      Caption “Small my cheese”

      mono-stereo Hugo looks like he’s about to take Ed up the council if the cheese doesn’t work too

      bosstrabs that falls into the “so bad it’s good” category 😂


      Point of order Dave. Tax returns are already completed. They were due in 31st jan.

      This is Hugo signing out.

      zuzuzuzu’s Bowls video