Dubman Everyone involved should be forced to resign. As always, there will be no consequences.

    The reporter obviously. This was the trump admin playing 4d chess, check your bias.

      Biden started so many wars and Hegseth was only messaging about wars. Typical leftist fakery.

        303abuser I wish JD Vance would resign. I dislike him more than Trump these days

          303abuser The reporter obviously. This was the trump admin playing 4d chess, check your bias.


          Millsy Biden started so many wars and Hegseth was only messaging about wars. Typical leftist fakery.

          And a lol for Millsy too!

          RichM I feel like Vance is just your typical spineless politician with no particular agenda, just an opportunist. That said, he’s got a proper punchable face and the Christian-right bullshit is just the cherry on top. There’s a lot to dislike.

            Headline would be better as "Lettuce begin"imo

            • -si- replied to this.

              It’s a pretty solid accomplishment to be so unqualified that several cabinet members have already perjured themselves in front of the senate. Only 46 months to go. Maybe.

                What will happen to them. Will trump do the right thing and sack the whole lot or double down and say it’s not a big deal.

                  Dubman My understanding is that it’s up to the DOJ to press charges, which will never happen. Maybe if people make enough noise, Hegseth may get tossed out, but that’ll be it.

                  When are there ever consequences?

                    303abuser no mate, it’s all bad! You’re spot on about that clown show though. Going straight at the journalist and also denying it actually sure, given the gravity of the fuck up.

                    I’ll not be surprised again!

                      Old-Dutch Headlines would be better as "Lettuce begin"imo

                      Wonder how long he’ll romaine in the job? This press leak might only be the tip of the iceberg!

                        -si- Wonder how long he’ll romaine in the job? This press leak might only be the tip of the iceberg!

                        Proper Gem’s so they are Si