Has anyone on here tried to pick up a new machine on release? I’m hearing there’s absolute murder in the States with availability, scalpers hoovering up stock and selling for 2000+ on Ebay. Can’t help thinking these launches and stock could be better managed.
LT42 It’s a clever marketing ploy. Been in play for decades.
Along_the_Wire Restctied supply?
mono-stereo Yup.
On a PC, but BattleRoyale on the new COD is quite something! Campaign was also fun, nice twist at the end…
Cyberpunk 2077 having a rough launch - buggy as fuck, CDPR are getting called transphobic and it turns out the game features a lot of stuff almost custom designed to induce epileptic seizures:
It’s also full of dildos - seriously lol
“i know its cyberpunk, but my god there’s dildos eveywhere. I killed a random security guard and looted him, he had a dildo on him”
Are dildos a problem?
Amps All about context innit? Time and a place for everything. Admittedly I’ve yet to play Cyberpunk 2077 but the title and 2 years of marketing led me to believe it wouldn’t be a game entirely focused on sex toys and bedroom antics.
Depends how big it is. My 8 yr old wanted this, might go it a miss.
Will be giving it 6 months at least until getting cyberpunk. They can iron out all the bugs/plastic phalli like they did with Witcher 3 during that time.
Millsy Yep, exactly this.
Looking at getting a Nintendo Switch for the family to play with as there really is limited things to get on with at the minute.
Are they any good? Can you link it up to the TV easily and play ‘family interactive games’?
Hursty Yes, they are literally designed for that kind of thing. Great console.
Hursty Looking at getting a Nintendo Switch for the family to play with as there really is limited things to get on with at the minute.
You should take them through the entire GU back catalogue Hursty, pausing on reflection for 007 and 013, obvs.
Hursty They are great for that sort of thing. My little girl is mad for hers, there are quite a few games that all the family can play. You get a dock that just connects to the TV via HDMI. If you want something thats ‘educational’ but also a lot of fun check out https://labo.nintendo.com/
jb_808 What he said
Check out Overcooked and Overcooked 2 - fun 4 player games for adults and kids.
Cheers will def check it out, most places out of stock lol
Been playing No Man’s Sky the past coupla weeks, and love it. Sounds like it was a horror show on release, but all sorted now. Visually stunning, and massively multi-faceted. Top notch.