Ive noticed a bit of a dip recently, agreeing with the points already mentioned.
When lockdown happened and all the Bunkers started kicking off, I thought the quality was superb. There were so many wicked tracks being played, cross genre. Then as time went on I saw the quality wane to a degree.
Motivation and drivers must be tough for producers. After what Sunak said yesterday, advising musicians to get other jobs, I can see some packing it in for a while and doing another job to bring in the coin. Its a very concerning period for the industry as a whole. I hate buying into conspiracy theories, but would the UK Govt be that fussed if Clubs/Festivals wound up and ended up in the shit heap of old industries…like Travel Agents and Blockbusters? Do Gen Y/Z’rs really care about “rave culture” enough to support it ? Have tastes changed to such a degree Covid may have accelerated the scene’s demise? Tik Tok vs Ben Klock?
The next 12 months are going to be tough for the scene IMO