• Music
  • The New Artist Album Thread

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6 days later

Dubman seeing them in Hammersmith in March. First album was very good.

alistair I listened to both b2b today, the new one was my second listen. It’s not bad, quite good actually, but the first one is 5/5.

    Homegrove Fair enough, improves with every listen to me (third time now). Loving Greenwood’s string arrangements and heavier guitar influence. Read the room, Friend of a friend, Teleharmonic and bending hectic are outstanding.

    Kinda with Hannu - ‘A light for attracting attention’ is a 5 star album. This one’s different. Not sure it’s as good but it’s got some killer tracks on it and I quite like the direction it’s went in.

    Currently listening to Future Islands - People who aren’t there anymore - Good stuff.

    Gave a light for attracting attention a whirl earlier.

    Wanted to throw myself off the nearest bridge by track 5.

      Thom Yorke doing his we’re all going to hell in handcart misery guts thing?

      No thanks!

        Smallman1 Must be all those years of watching Utd.

        To be fair to Alistair, I think his wife makes him

        Have just stuck this on -

        Hold tight for feedback!

        11 days later

        New Brittany Howard album is excellent. Full of soul and emotion. Will have to catch her live

        Just hit play on this -

        Hold tight for feedback!

        Been loving this today

        7 days later

        alistair Mother Nature is a class tune. Looking forward to giving this the full spin this weekend.

          Wally it’s a return to form and a fun album, will get a few spins in my car

          7 days later

          Posted this a while back but it’s out today, great album

            7 days later
            7 days later

            Delone - Romanticismo Siempre

            Some incredible spacious and well crafted pieces of music. Kinda reminds me of something David Holmes/Luke Una/Sasha would play on BBC6 music.

              Dubman Listened to the album this morning, thought it was pretty good.

              Lovemonk the Label innit?

              Have seen a Delone album out maybe April / May???

              • Dan replied to this.

                Mad_Cyril Probably the one mate….. Romanticismo Siempre is the album title.

                10 days later