Mad_Cyril zackster Whats really is awesome is there’s a lot of fucknuggets out there in twitter land that will belive that. The pictures themselves are comedy gold
jonattonyeah Mad_Cyril The pictures themselves are comedy gold I think it’s an improvement for the Asian girl in the middle.
Mad_Cyril jonattonyeah They all look like they’re trying to do that thing where you talk out the side of your mouth to someone so nobody else.but them can hear
Mad_Cyril Kells77 I’m hoping to get that Day of the Dead / Zombie style walk where one leg drags along behind
Hursty Great reporting, now the shelves will be even emptier as this will spark panic buying. Just signed up for HelloFresh, anyone else given that a go? Seems a bit pricey and lazy but giving it a go nonetheless.
bosstrabs Smallman1 If the shelves are bare I’ll just eat out every night. Simples. Check out Geoffrey Shitneck Hubbard, Fuckall in the cupboards
Hursty Mad_Cyril Well as we eat mainly organic, we use Riverford for fruit and veg, I did check what HelloFresh used and it said ‘‘mainly organic’ whatever that means.
Smallman1 Lol, Dave clearly has full cupboards, 8000 pairs of awful trabs and a tv so big it dominates his slightly uncouth northern residence. A man who has everything and nothing at the same time.