California is rolling back a bunch of prior recommendations. If you’re asymptomatic and fully vaccinated, no need to quarantine for any amount of time even if you came in contact with a confirmed positive. Confirmatory positive and asymptotic plus fully vaccinated? Five day “light” quarantine deemed sufficient (you can go outside for a walk, that kind of thing, just be mindful). Up to counties if they want to keep stricter rules in place. The vaccines are really holding up against even minor issues and certainly against hospitalizations.
@Smallman1 Dunno how London/UK is doing things at this time, but I hope the above alleviates any worries you might have. Covid for the time being is really just an irritant. Question, were you required to be masked on your flight from Madrid? I was to and from London, but not London to Manchester. Given masks are imperfect, whatever, I’m just curious.