I was describing a Swedish furniture shop to a New Zealander the other day, he just said “Does it look like Ikea?”
Hursty Hopefully there will be less confusion when Ed gets the new home covid test kit!
Lol, I had a right old reg tbf!
LOL…‘No sir! I said insert orally! ORALLY!’
Clearly the EU doesn’t have much of a legal leg to stand on. Citing “societal and moral obligations” is not what they would do were they confident of their contract.
Welcome to the Brexit EU!
Only Brits understand the concept of an orderly queue
Old-Dutch It’s one of our national pastimes isn’t it?
This world “54 days: China and the pandemic” was a good watch last night BBC 2
What was it about?
cj walks off whistling
FabiParas Amazing to think what they are missing out on at school. Can’t do any practical stuff like science. It’s a joke that this is going to last until April. Education by screen is comparatively shit
alistair My kids are still fairly young so it’s more about keeping them engaged. They currently only have one live lesson and lots of videos to watch. The teachers are doing a great job in the circumstances, but the practical stuff like Science is difficult to do at home because it takes up too much time and away from being able to post shite on here.
University of life.
The best education you’ll ever get.
The transition from “Stage One” to “Sacred” has taught me everything I’ve ever needed to know.
The greatest transition in prog history.
And like you say, tells you everything you need to know about the carousel of life.
Smallman1 The greatest transition in prog history.
Er, clearly you haven’t listened to any of Nick Warren: Brazil.
Smallman1 pro tools
Like sands through the hourglass, any crew, negative.
bosstrabs he mixed his live unlike Sasha
You shut your whore mouth.
jonattonyeah 😂