bosstrabs I know, I just think it’s a shit saying trotted out by idiots who are trying to sound smart. Smallman being a perfect example
bosstrabs I know, I just think it’s a shit saying trotted out by idiots who are trying to sound smart.
Smallman being a perfect example
My erudite response proves that when it comes to that quite beguiling mix of bants and smarts, no does it quite like me!
In 10 weeks this will all be over and you can be dancing in Fabric shoulder to shoulder with thousands of other people, no masks or worries.
Who would bet on that being the case?!
France has 40k cases a day and yet 50% of them say they won’t take the vaccine… wtf is going on inside their heads?!
Jules72 wtf is going on inside their heads
They’re deviants.
I wouldn’t put it past them to have come up with some covid related arse-sex asphyxiation games.
They’re all it it furiously and don’t want a vaccine ruining the party.
It’s all that wine, garlic and romance Jules, sent them mad.
Barbers open from 12 April, correct? I’m starting to look like Kris Kristofferson.
I 0.5 myself once a month, looking as toight as ever!
I would normally .5 all over, but in a fit of madness have decided to grow my luscious locks back. The trouble is, every time I see myself in the mirror I think Ted Danson had body swapped with me.
0.5 is a bit too short. Been rocking a 3 throughout lockdown but looking forward to the barbers being open now because it’s at the tennis ball stage.
bosstrabs 0.5 is a bit too short.
Not when you’ve got a rugged chiseled jaw line it isn’t Dave.
Accentuates the ole chocolate box good looks.
An ageing man with long hair is a dreadful look.
Why I keep mine short, ensures I look BANG ON all the time.
Smallman1 it’s not because you’re as bald as a coot?
alistair it’s not because you’re as bald as a coot?
Lol, nothing to do with that at all chief!
Why is the CDC having a full on melt down over rising case numbers when vaxxes are flying out the door and school restrictions are being lifted? The current messaging is complete dog shit.
zackster I saw last night that only 28% of the pop have been vaccinated when it feels like it should be more than that. A mate in Miami was saying over 40s are due next week.
Chelmsford can be rightly proud…
Along_the_Wire Chelmsford can be rightly proud…
This is why I’m in Saino’s at 7am sharp.
There’s no one in there then.
And the new range of Leon’s hummus has been freshly re-stocked.
LT42 see, they should have this info on blast 24/7.
We’re starting over 16 on Monday. I don’t understand why so many places are having so many issues. Vaccine supply is not the problem anymore. Granted, we’re incredibly small (San Francisco - 7 miles by 7 miles) and double as a City and County so we have better infrastructure. But still. It’s not THAT fucking hard.
We’re staring at a serous bind, DM. I get people are over it but if we don’t get enough vaccinated we’re going to be in the same place we were in January come a few months time. It’s alarming.