Jules72 that’s not what the article says
I took it from table 2 of the CDC article I posted - influenza mortality rate. Looking again I might have actually misread the table slightly (for once) to be fair, the tedium of having to repeatedly field these questions must have got to me.
However, even using the basic aggregated data though on the total population level with the 34000 flu deaths that’s still about 103 flu deaths per million per year, vs the 9 vaccinated covid deaths per million per c. 2-3 months as of 2 weeks ago.
The 103 per million figure will also still be too low for a direct comparison to the mortality rate of vaccinated people, as the vaccinated cohort will skew much older than the total population in those flu numbers. Flu mortality is considerably more still in older people, so it would still be reasonable to at least say double the 103 figure to make the group counted more comparable to the covid vaccinated group.
Jules72 what is this number… deaths over what timespan? You are probably using data from pre-delta spike?
It’s as of 31 July.