Committed to the cause to the last. Last words were literally Make America Great Again.
One less fucking idiot.
Decent tat tbf.
Ah well
Good night, sweet prince.
delighted for him
LT42 there’s really weak evidence to indicate it may help with shortening duration of symptoms post-infection for some people, but there is absolutely no evidence for prophylactic use.
What people don’t seem to understand (because they’re stupid) is that there is Ivermectin for human use but over this way it is prescription only. Consuming the over the counter medications for horses and cows is so beyond idiotic I’ve already wasted too many words. Could the approved-for-human use help with Covid? Doubtful but I suppose in some people it could help for some odd reason. The animal version? You’re likely to end up in a far worse place than if you just rolled with Covid. It sure as fuck won’t work as a preventative measure.
303abuser strange, he talks about well documented studies. At this point I’d normally go digging but I honestly can’t be arsed. I’m double vaxxed and part of the team.
jonattonyeah absolutely. that was my way of saying as nicely as possible that these people are definitely the same group as anti vaxers.
jonattonyeah I’m ignorant to the whole shooting match. So people have been taking the animal version even though people like Weinstein have been advocating the human one all along? Amirite? What a clusterfuck of idiocy all round.
And isn’t it made by Pfizer?
jonattonyeah lol aaah one of the trust worthy ones
jonattonyeah Merck
BERK more like.
GlaxoSmithKline are my favorite. Their selling strategy is to pair an MD who generally knows what they’re talking about with an absolute thunderbabe for the sell. They’re barred from working directly with us as a gov’t department but they do trainings (with a nice catered lunch) for our community partners. I go sometimes - for the free lunch and to see what 24 year old fox they have peddling their wares. It’s never dull.
“” is the best website name ever,
jonattonyeah yeah I have a friend who fills that role. Her work attire is tucked in yet nearly completely unbuttoned shit with a suspiciously mismatched bra. Right after college she was involved in that scandal with Wellbutrin being sold as a treatment for ADHD. Was absolutely bathing in money and comped vacations.
Yup, nailed it. I got friendly with one, this girl Kate. Over drinks one night she told me how it works. Said Pharma recruit directly from college cheerleading teams. Weird, but I guess it works.
jonattonyeah Lol my friend was a broadcast journalism major.
Sex really does sell.
Smallman1 for sure. And she is full on MAGA mindset so sleezy selling practices are just all part of her getting her bag. Would sell cyanid as a sleep aid in a heart beat if there was a chance of a new car in the deal.