Old-Dutch She’s another psychopath… I doubt she gives a fuck what her council or anyone else says to her. Plus, she probably thinks she will be dead very soon. It’s just a way for her to amuse herself through the trial.
What’s all this about the NYC Chief Medical Officer resigning on the first day of the Maxwell trial?
He’s only the man who ruled Epstein killed himself so not that important?!
Hursty dude there have been so many 👀 moments already. It’s beyond obvious why this isn’t being given even a moments coverage on any tv news network.
Is the Alec Baldwin shooting a girl who had info on Hilary and God knows what else scenario gaining any traction, Zack?
Lol absolutely none. How insane is that tho?!
zackster Sake. The reality of all this could be she told Baldwin, in an off the cuff manner, that she knew he was on the Lolita multiple times. Baldwin then fragged her and blew a sigh of relief.
zackster Might just be a coincidence?
Think Ghisa will throw anyone famous under the bus?
ScottBailey She’ll commit suicide if there is any chance of that!”
Hursty Probably, but sure there’s names she could drop under oath if she wanted to take people down with her! Unless she’s expecting to be found innocent (somehow) and keep those connections…
She won’t even throw Jeff under the bus.
New Bills just dropped
zackster who’s the black guy? Justin Trudeau 😂
zackster Chris @Karma_Bull · 12h Replying to @TrackerTrial Is that Carlton? 🤣
Is that Denzel Washington.
jonattonyeah Is that Denzel Washington.
I think it is secret service but idk
Very good!