• Music
  • What events/gigs have you bought tickets for?

Did you get tickets for the VIP or OAP section lads?

  • mjh replied to this.

    Smallman1 OAP. Will hide some mick mills in my incontinence pants

    Not holding any hope for the old Fat Boy being any good at all, but after 6 pints and whatever else, I’ll probably think he’s the best thing ever.

    Literally just got tickets for All Points East.
    Foals, Caribou, Roisin Murphy and Bombay Bicycle Club. GET IN!

      alistair think I may get involved with that, decent festival APE

      7 months later

      How good does this look. Unite the Clans that is. Tickets please

      Cracking line up for Unite The Clans.

      Been waiting for the release for unite the clans, just need to try persuade folks to go out out

      • Dan replied to this.

        <dons flame retardant jacket>

        Nick Warren in Manchester in Dec.

        (Also sasha at Fabric in Nov)

          Mad_Cyril Looks mint mate.

          Todd Terje
          Sean Johnson
          Chris Duckefield


          Todd Terje, Prins Thomas and Greg Wilson at Printworks next Friday, Palms Trax & MCDE at Phonon next Sunday, Sasha at Fabric, Palms Trax & Hunee at Phonox and Sven Vath at Phonox all incoming.

          TOPS OFF!

          Never fails. I’m at Fabric for the Sunday all dayer with Sasha. ID for the second?

            Mad_Cyril Tea towels are apparently welcome at St James and not culturally insensitive.

            What’s on, on NYD? 👍🏻

              Wally What’s on, on NYD?

              Have a butchers at the bottom half of the tweet 6 or 7 posts up 👆

              Smallman1 ….. Options Kingston one of our old haunts. Posho mate from Uni who went to Cranleigh used to drag us down there for the “rough totty”. What a shambles that place was. Blotto, kid in the car in the car park next door. Living the 90s dream….

                IndustryStandard Options Kingston one of our old haunts. Posho mate from Uni who went to Cranleigh used to drag us down there for the “rough totty”. What a shambles that place was. Blotto, kid in the car in the car park next door. Living the 90s dream….


                Now called Pryzm.

                One of the most horrendous establishments I’ve ever been in.