Last Night On Earth
That Gai Barone track at the end is the best thing he has ever put his name to. Evil banger
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alistair That Gai Barone track at the end is the best thing he has ever put his name to. Evil banger
let the record state that I no longer like this tune…
ScottBailey You need to come out of retirement. Penultimate track I believe
alistair I was just messing around. Death by association and all that Cracking tune really!
ScottBailey absolute banger
Remember Lawler dropping Musak at Home one NYE.
One of the greatest moments of my life.
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I remember lawler dropping U2 where the streets have no name at circus in Liverpool
One of the funniest moments of my life
Probs all the rat poison it was cut with inducing a stroke.
Fill your boots with all of lawlers corkers
alistair just noticed that. Also might be 1600 promo copies of lawlers remix of Trisco
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