Mad_Cyril alistair Put your name on the back Al, you’ll need to make it as simple as possible for Eddie Have a good one all 👍
benson Have to say I’m rather enjoying this LNOE. Not sure where all the hate is coming from. Probably from the same people that thought James Bond was good.
Christian very similar to the month before. really good first hour which then drifts off and comes back in for the last 20 mins. the tune after nick curly is absolutely shocking
segwin Here to report that Sasha absolutely crushed his New Years Day LNOE Party at Reelworks in Denver. Thought I met a member of this site at the venue but didn’t catch username. Wicked time. Ironically had this track on a USB connected to my XDJ a few days before I flew to Denver. He used it for the opening and also played it at the London Party that was put on YouTube.