mrrossi First game I’ve had a chance to watch so far,fuck me this is brutal.Cracking game they just batter each other and get up and get on with it. Shows footballers up for the complete twats that they are .
vinnyt77 mrrossi Brutal game. Before the game, I had South Africa winning a tight game by seven or so points. Ireland have soaked it up brilliantly so far though…
Heno mrrossi basically yeah, gets a bounce then people stop listening to him except he didn’t get a bounce this time! Australia should not got rid of Rennie now they are up the shitter with Jones!
Cankles-McJeggings Why do they keep referring to Ireland as the golden generation? Golden for what? They aren’t golden, they are just a decent side that won fuck all and never got past the quarter finals.
gcw Cankles-McJeggings because in the context of past and present Irish teams, they are the best group of players the country has had (and I mean country loosely as they aren’t all Irish of course). Same way as Belgium footie team are their golden generation. It doesn’t mean they have won or will win trophies
vinnyt77 In Marseille for the England game. Many many sad Welsh and Irish faces around town last night. Had New Zealand legend, Kevin Mealamu buying us Jager shots during the Ireland / New Zealand game, which was nice - but which am regretting this morning…