Along_the_Wire Happy days. Spatial sound and Dolby Atmos too and all for the same price.
Wasily Along_the_Wire Spotify also doing the same:
Dubmick Wasily announced 4 months ago and not a word since. Hopefully Apple will kick them into gear. Tried Apple Music a few times and still think not a patch on Spotify in terms of the user experience.
303abuser Dubmick i agree with that too for the most part, a bump in sound quality would be appreciated though.
IndustryStandard Be nice if they upgraded all the tunes i’ve bought off ITunes over the years to hight than 256Kps……that upgrade download would be rather large globally!
IndustryStandard Kells77 bought the new Avery album on Itunes and can confirm classed as “lossless” on Apple Music but when downloaded still the standard 256K . How can they get away with streaming at a high rate/better quality than actually buying it? Bandcamp for me going forward then….
Along_the_Wire It launched today - there are limited albums in Spatial/Atmos that I like, but that’ll change - what I do like on there sounds absolutely fantastic through some good headphones.
Mad_Cyril Sounds good, so I’ve made the leap from Spotify. One thing that’s bugging me though is that Apple Music automatically scoops up all my house mp3’s, massively clogging up my non-'ouse listening. Fur king annoying to say the least
SM001 Mad_Cyril Apple Music automatically scoops up all my house mp3’s, massively clogging up my non-'ouse listening. Apple apps - A baffling ordeal
IndustryStandard Agreed, but sometimes it’s so easy to just right click on a track i’ve downloaded from Apple Music and buy it rather than go through the whole Beatport/Bandcamp process. The price I have to pay for being a lazy shit I suppose! Suck it up……
NasserAlazzawi Upgraded from Mojave to Big Sur a while ago and ever since, my Apple Music app is totally broken. Impossible to fix, too, so Apple Music is going in the sea.
Mad_Cyril Binned off Tidal and all my newspaper subs and gone for an Apple premium one for all the family. Apple Music is obviously a shiterer functional option, but I think the overall benefits win. Will just keep it uninstalled off my phone so it doesn’t fuck up my in-car listening. Which is nice.