zackster However it is absolutely not the cause of the recent sightings, that as far as I am aware have all been by the US military/government.
I’m genuinely intrigued by the certainty here, Z. Is it something you’ve read or been told about, or is it just wild speculation? We most likely have the same view on these things deep down but as I said, what my mate saw seems beyond anything conventional and moves me in the curious direction - 1pm in the afternoon, a blue/gold glowing ball with a large square box like partition on the side, moves across the sky, stops in mid-air instantaneously which seems to me to be anti-gravity, and then moves away as if from the matrix and disappears. My head says that doesn’t sound possible, but it happened and about 20 people saw it together. It happened in 2016 and now in 2021 we see videos of objects performing the same way, a big coincidence, much the same as Bob Lazar talking about element 115 back in 1989 and people writing him off because it didn’t exist and then in 2012 it gets added to the periodic table. I’d normally be the last person to believe that stuff but there’s a lot of dots being joined. I’m defo curious.