IndustryStandard I kinda get what you’re saying, for sure SAW 1 and 2 are his best albums (and it’s pretty commonly considered that they’re among the best electronic albums of all time), and with his output after that you often have to get through a lot of irritating stuff to get to the good bits, e.g. a lot of Drukqs is indeed pretty unlistenable, yet it still has the great Avril 14th and Vordhbosn.
Echoing a comment above, Syro was very good and tended more towards the ambient and melodic rather than loud and messy.
His recent-ish Soundcloud dumps have also had a lot of good tracks in them, with many sounding more SAW-era (though I don’t think it was revealed when all these unreleased tracks were actually made).
There are a few good compilations of his best previously unreleased Soundcloud tracks on Youtube, e.g. these two, which have a lot of more SAW type stuff (there’s a few tracks which overlap on both comps):