What are some of those mixed comps that instantly bring to mind a specific forum member? Be they past or present, we’ve all known or been one of those guys, or gals, who just has to put in our two cents whenever a certain title comes up.
The all time heavyweight champ for me is Polo Mojo’s Balance and @Homegrove I remember him stannig the fuck out of that one right from the jump. TBF all I remember about the actual mix was that is was deemed all over the place for its day, so may have to give a re-listen in HG’s honor.
A close second would be James Lavelle GU Romania and @rhouses God did he ever love that one. I remember him saying to me zackster bro, did you clock the newest Lavelle GU? It is pure fire bro! When big bad J Lizzle steps up to the wheels of steel, you know he is going to be doing only the freshest of mixing. Be doing your fly self a favor, and press play on that bad boy now, my wacky dog!
Anyways, what are some of ya’lls fav poster/mixed comp associations?