Homegrove Smallman1 Might have to turn this off. Absolutely horrific. Give Trikk a chance. He’s on in about 4 minutes.
Smallman1 Echo And they said Kristian was better without Dixon… Some of the worst music I’ve heard this year.
Homegrove Smallman1 Will do. Sorry, this wasn’t an hour. It was 90 minutes-set. But the last 15 minutes has been great! Right?
Smallman1 Homegrove But the last 15 minutes has been great! Right? It’s been so bad I’ve had to move from a slightly pretentious hendricks and fever tree gin and tonic to industrial strength lager.
Homegrove And now…. Trikk. Loved Kristian’s last 30 minutes (and first two tunes), but he ended with a very bog standard tune.