benson mono-stereo Bloody hell that is close. I cycle past you on my fitness cycle routes.. I;ll get on the PMs and we need to have a drink. NYD is a certain though.
vinnyt77 mono-stereo No way! Used to drink at the Flowing Well round that way, as some mates of ours lived across the road…
benson vinnyt77 same mate that now lives in didcot? Flowing well is a great boozer. Going up bayworth lane on my bike is a bit of a chuffer though.
benson Smallman1 tell you what Ed, having lived in tooting and leafy Oxfordshire, I know which one I’d pick! Or to put it another way, where would you prefer a roof over your head?
Smallman1 benson I know which one I’d pick! Yeah that’s because you’ve got no minerals chief. You’ve gone from charismatic Tooting to boring Oxfordshire where life is passing you by. Top work.
benson Smallman1 Over ledged it in my 20s and 30s mate. After all that hustle and bustle the restful countryside and pubs are just what the dr ordered